Variable Choice
IVS Variables
The variables I am looking at:
Country Identifiers and
Column 10: cntry (ISO-3 numeric Country Code)
Column 35: wght_eq1000 (Equilibrated weight: Equilibrated weights
are weighting factors whose goal is to transform the sample’s n to 1000
making all samples count the same in a combined analysis.)
Importance Variables
41-46: A001 to A006 - How important each of the following is in your
A001: Family
A002: Friends
A003: Leisure Time
A004: Politics
A005: Work
A006: Religion
0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t
1: Very important
2: Rather important
3: Not very important
4: Not at all important
Satisfaction Variables
Column 47: A008 (Feeling of
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very happy
- 2: Quite happy
- 3: Not very happy
- 4: Not at all happy
Column 48: A009 (State of
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very good
- 2: Good
- 3: Fair
- 4: Poor
- 5: Very poor
Column 49: A170
(Satisfaction with your life)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- Dissatisfied to (10) Satisfied
50: A173 (Freedom of choice and control over life)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- None at all to (10) A great deal
Political/Civic Engagement
106: E012 (Willingness to fight for country. Would you be willing?)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: No
- 2: Yes
Column 109: E023 (Interest
in politics)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very interested
- 2: Somewhat interested
- 3: Not very interested
- 4: Not at all interested
Column 110: E025
(Propensity to sign a petition)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Have done
- 2: Might do
- 3: Would never do
Column 111: E026
(Propensity to join boycotts)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Have done
- 2: Might do
- 3: Would never do
112: E027 (Propensity to attend lawful/peaceful demonstrations)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Have done
- 2: Might do
- 3: Would never do
113: E028 (Propensity to join unofficial strikes)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Have done
- 2: Might do
- 3: Would never do
Column 114:
E033 (Self positioning in political scale)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- Left to (10) Right
Confidence in Institutions
Column 119: E069_01
(Confidence in Churches)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 120:
E069_02 (Confidence in Armed Forces)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 121: E069_04
(Confidence in The Press)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 122:
E069_05 (Confidence in Labour Unions)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 123: E069_06
(Confidence in The Police)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 124: E069_07
(Confidence in Parliament)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 125:
E069_08 (Confidence in Civil Services)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
126: E069_18A (Confidence in Major Regional Organization)
0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t
1: A great deal
2: Quite a lot
3: Not very much
4: None at all
Constructed variable combining the following country-specific major
regional organizations used in the surveys as follows: The European
Union (EU): in all EVS5 countries and Andorra, Cyprus, Germany, Greece,
Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC): in Japan, Malaysia, South Korea The Arab League: in Egypt, Iraq,
Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia The Association of South East Asian Nations
(ASEAN): in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand,
Vietnam The African Union (AU): in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Russia, Tajikistan Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO): in Iran The
Mercosur: in Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Puerto Rico The Organization of American States (OAE): in Peru The North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): in USA The South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC): in Pakistan The Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO): in Hong Kong SAR
Column 127: E069_18
(Confidence in EU)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Data not available for: WVS7: All countries/territories besides
Andorra, Taiwan ROC, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Romania,
Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine
Column 128:
E069_11 (Confidence in The Government)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 129:
E069_12 (Confidence in Political Parties)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 130:
E069_13 (Confidence in Major Companies)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
131: E069_14 (Confidence in Environmental Protection Movement)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
132: E069_17 (Confidence in Justice System/Courts)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
Column 133:
E069_20 (Confidence in The United Nations)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A great deal
- 2: Quite a lot
- 3: Not very much
- 4: None at all
134: E111_01 (Satisfaction with the political system of their
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- Not satisfied at all to (10) Completely satisfied
135-138: (Is this a good-bad way of governing this country?)
Having a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very good
- 2: Fairly good
- 3: Fairly bad
- 4: Very bad
Having experts, not government, make decisions according to what they
think is best for the country
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very good
- 2: Fairly good
- 3: Fairly bad
- 4: Very bad
E116: Having the army
rule the country
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very good
- 2: Fairly good
- 3: Fairly bad
- 4: Very bad
Is this a good-bad way of governing this country: Having a democratic
political system
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very good
- 2: Fairly good
- 3: Fairly bad
- 4: Very bad
150: E235 (How important is it for you to live in a country that is
governed democratically?)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- Not at all important to (10) Absolutely important
151: E236 (How democratically is this country being governed
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- Not at all democratic to (10) Completely democratic
152-161 (How often do these things occur in this country’s
E263: (You vote in local
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Always
- 2: Usually
- 3: Never
- 4: Not allowed to vote
E264 (You vote in national
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Always
- 2: Usually
- 3: Never
- 4: Not allowed to vote
(The votes are counted fairly in this country’s elections?)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very often
- 2: Fairly often
- 3: Not often
- 4: Not at all often
(Opposition candidates are prevented from running)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very often
- 2: Fairly often
- 3: Not often
- 4: Not at all often
E265_03 (TV news
favors the governing party)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very often
- 2: Fairly often
- 3: Not often
- 4: Not at all often
E265_04 (Voters are bribed)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very often
- 2: Fairly often
- 3: Not often
- 4: Not at all often
(Journalists provide fair coverage of elections)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very often
- 2: Fairly often
- 3: Not often
- 4: Not at all often
E265_06 (Election officials
are fair)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very often
- 2: Fairly often
- 3: Not often
- 4: Not at all often
E265_07 (Rich people buy
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very often
- 2: Fairly often
- 3: Not often
- 4: Not at all often
(Voters are threatened with violence at the polls)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very often
- 2: Fairly often
- 3: Not often
- 4: Not at all often
Religious Variables
Column 162: F025
(Religious Denomination)
- 0: Missing, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Roman Catholic
- 2: Protestant
- 3: Orthodox (Russian/Greek/etc.)
- 4: Jew
- 5: Muslim
- 6: Hindu
- 7: Buddhist
- 8: Other Christian (Evangelical/Pentecostal/Free church/etc.)
- 9: Other
- 10: Do not belong to a denomination
Column 166: F034
(Overall would you say you are)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: A religious person
- 2: Not a religious person
- 3: A convinced atheist
Closeness to Country/world
188-192: Closeness to country/world: How close do you feel to…
G062 (the continent,
e.g. Europe)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very close
- 2: Close
- 3: Not very close
- 4: Not close at all
G063 (the world)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very close
- 2: Close
- 3: Not very close
- 4: Not close at all
G255 (your town or city)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very close
- 2: Close
- 3: Not very close
- 4: Not close at all
G256 (your county, region,
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very close
- 2: Close
- 3: Not very close
- 4: Not close at all
G257 (the country)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Very close
- 2: Close
- 3: Not very close
- 4: Not close at all
Role of Government variables
193-195: Does this country’s government have or should it have the right
to the following:
(keep people under video surveillance in public areas)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Definitely should have the right
- 2: Probably should have the right
- 3: Probably should not have the right
- 4: Definitely should not have the right
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Definitely should have the right
- 2: Probably should have the right
- 3: Probably should not have the right
- 4: Definitely should not have the right
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Definitely should have the right
- 2: Probably should have the right
- 3: Probably should not have the right
- 4: Definitely should not have the right
Demographic Variables
Column 196: X001 (Sex)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Male
- 2: Female
Columns 199:
X003R (Recoded ages with intervals)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: 15-24
- 2: 25-34
- 3: 35-44
- 4: 45-54
- 5: 55-64
- 6: 65 and more years
Column 201:
G027A (Born in or immigrant to country)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: I am born in this country
- 2: I am an immigrant to this country
Column 210: X007 (Marital
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Married
- 2: Living together as married
- 3: Divorced
- 4: Separated
- 5: Widowed
- 6: Single/Never married
Column 211: X011
(How many children in household)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: 1 child
- 2: 2 children
- 3: 3 children
- 4: 4 children
- 5: 5 children and more
- 6: No child
Column 212:
x026_01 (Do you live with your parents)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: No
- 2: Yes, own parent(s)
- 3: Yes, parent(s) in law
- 4: Yes, both own parent(s) and parent(s) in law
213: X013 (Number of people total in household including
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: 1
- 2: 2
- 3: 3
- 4: 4
- 5: 5
- 6: 6 and more
214: X025A_01 Highest Education Level Attained
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Less than primary
- 2: Primary
- 3: Lower secondary
- 4: Upper secondary
- 5: Post-secondary non tertiary
- 6: Short-cycle tertiary
- 7: Bachelor or equivalent
- 8: Master or equivalent
- 9: Doctoral or equivalent
Column 222:
X028 (Employment Status of Respondent)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Full time (30h a week or more)
- 2: Part time (less then 30 hours a week)
- 3: Self employed
- 4: Retired/pensioned
- 5: Housewife (not otherwise employed)
- 6: Student
- 7: Unemployed
- 8: Other (Includes military service and disabled)
Column 224: X052
(Institution of occupation)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: Public institution
- 2: Private business
- 3: Private non-profit organization
230-231: Income (Combined, variable “income”)
- 0: Missing, Not Asked, Not Applicable, No Answer, Don’t Know
- 1: 1st decile
- 2: 2nd decile
- 3: 3rd decile
- 4: 4th decile
- 5: 5th decile
- 6: 6th decile
- 7: 7th decile
- 8: 8th decile
- 9: 9th decile
- 10: 10th decile