About Variables Chosen

Details of the variable choices from the WVS/EVS integrated data set and ISSP data set

Variable Choice

IVS Variables

The variables I am looking at:

Country Identifiers and Weight

Importance Variables

Columns 41-46: A001 to A006 - How important each of the following is in your life:

Satisfaction Variables

Column 47: A008 (Feeling of happiness)

Column 48: A009 (State of Health)

Column 49: A170 (Satisfaction with your life)

Column 50: A173 (Freedom of choice and control over life)

Political/Civic Engagement Variables

Column 106: E012 (Willingness to fight for country. Would you be willing?)

Column 109: E023 (Interest in politics)

Column 110: E025 (Propensity to sign a petition)

Column 111: E026 (Propensity to join boycotts)

Column 112: E027 (Propensity to attend lawful/peaceful demonstrations)

Column 113: E028 (Propensity to join unofficial strikes)

Column 114: E033 (Self positioning in political scale)

Confidence in Institutions

Column 119: E069_01 (Confidence in Churches)

Column 120: E069_02 (Confidence in Armed Forces)

Column 121: E069_04 (Confidence in The Press)

Column 122: E069_05 (Confidence in Labour Unions)

Column 123: E069_06 (Confidence in The Police)

Column 124: E069_07 (Confidence in Parliament)

Column 125: E069_08 (Confidence in Civil Services)

Column 126: E069_18A (Confidence in Major Regional Organization)

Constructed variable combining the following country-specific major regional organizations used in the surveys as follows: The European Union (EU): in all EVS5 countries and Andorra, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): in Japan, Malaysia, South Korea The Arab League: in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN): in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam The African Union (AU): in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO): in Iran The Mercosur: in Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Puerto Rico The Organization of American States (OAE): in Peru The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): in USA The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC): in Pakistan The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): in Hong Kong SAR

Column 127: E069_18 (Confidence in EU)

Data not available for: WVS7: All countries/territories besides Andorra, Taiwan ROC, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine

Column 128: E069_11 (Confidence in The Government)

Column 129: E069_12 (Confidence in Political Parties)

Column 130: E069_13 (Confidence in Major Companies)

Column 131: E069_14 (Confidence in Environmental Protection Movement)

Column 132: E069_17 (Confidence in Justice System/Courts)

Column 133: E069_20 (Confidence in The United Nations)

Column 134: E111_01 (Satisfaction with the political system of their country)

Column 135-138: (Is this a good-bad way of governing this country?)

E114: Having a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and elections

E115: Having experts, not government, make decisions according to what they think is best for the country

E116: Having the army rule the country

E117: Is this a good-bad way of governing this country: Having a democratic political system

Column 150: E235 (How important is it for you to live in a country that is governed democratically?)

Column 151: E236 (How democratically is this country being governed today?)

Columns 152-161 (How often do these things occur in this country’s elections?)

E263: (You vote in local elections?)

E264 (You vote in national elections?)

E265_01 (The votes are counted fairly in this country’s elections?)

E265_02 (Opposition candidates are prevented from running)

E265_03 (TV news favors the governing party)

E265_04 (Voters are bribed)

E265_05 (Journalists provide fair coverage of elections)

E265_06 (Election officials are fair)

E265_07 (Rich people buy elections)

E265_08 (Voters are threatened with violence at the polls)

Religious Variables

Column 162: F025 (Religious Denomination)

Column 166: F034 (Overall would you say you are)

Closeness to Country/world

Columns 188-192: Closeness to country/world: How close do you feel to…

G062 (the continent, e.g. Europe)

G063 (the world)

G255 (your town or city)

G256 (your county, region, district)

G257 (the country)

Role of Government variables

Columns 193-195: Does this country’s government have or should it have the right to the following:

H009 (keep people under video surveillance in public areas)

H010 (monitor all emails and any other information exchanged on the internet)

H011 (collect information about anyone living in the country without their knowledge)

Demographic Variables

Column 196: X001 (Sex)

Columns 199: X003R (Recoded ages with intervals)

Column 201: G027A (Born in or immigrant to country)

Column 210: X007 (Marital Status)

Column 211: X011 (How many children in household)

Column 212: x026_01 (Do you live with your parents)

Column 213: X013 (Number of people total in household including respondent)

Column 214: X025A_01 Highest Education Level Attained

Column 222: X028 (Employment Status of Respondent)

Column 224: X052 (Institution of occupation)

Columns 230-231: Income (Combined, variable “income”)